Soundcard Crash Games, Slight 'Crack' in my voice


Oct 8, 2016
Hello mates,

(sorry for my probably not soooo good english^^)

I have 2 problems dudes. Today I pluged in a new Soundcard (Asus Strix Soar). I put it on my mainboard, and put the power plug in. Everything worked fine. I installed the newest (not beta) driver and my sound was clearly better than before. Now I come to my problems:

1st problem: My firends said in Teamspeak, that there was a slight crack in the background when I was talking and it got even more when I was talking louder, but when I activated the function to hear my own voice in the driver software, I can't hear that "crack".

But now to my main Problem:

As I said. On the Desktop and in Teamspeak, Youtube... everything was fine. But every time I start a Game, it crashes at the beginningafter about 5 seconds. I have this problem in every game. I tested Mafia 3, Rocket league, and CS:GO. Everywhere the same problem. It freezes and i have to log off, to get back to the desktop. I thought it was a driver Problem, so i deinstalled it and installed an older driver. Same problem again. I don't know what to do.

Thanks for your help guys!:)

My PC:
Mainboard: Asus Z170 Pro Gaming
CPU: i7 6700k
GPU: MSI Geforce GTX 1070
Soundkarte: Asus Strix Soar
RAM: 16GB Hyper X Fury DDR4-2133
1| Please list your system's specs as follows:

2| One more thing worth noting, is please include your audio equipment(headset and the likes).

3| Have you tried using your headset on another system and seen if the issue persists there as well and is not an issue with your friends ISP?

4| Did you build the system yourself?