Sounds Delay problem and Then Freeze


Dec 10, 2016
Hello, I have a question, Last year I have computer, old computer actually with a i5 3rd generation: Specs go was:

Processor: i5 3330
VGA: Gigabyte GTX 750
Motherboard: Asus Z68-P
PSU Thermaltake litepower 700w

First 6 month we dont face any prbolem. but after that i face the big problem that i still face until now. Problem is, When i playing the game, like dota 2 first 5 minute sounds comes delay. Ex: when i shoot someone, or cast spell, the sound effect comes 10-20 sec later, and sometimes game freezing. later on game auto disconnect, when i recconect again, it has a same problem. this happen everytime i play a game. when i browse and watch video nothing happen. What is actually happen with my PC?

I am so desperate, looking to my old computer, so i build new computer with latest 6th gen.

  • Motherboard: MSI B150M
    Processor: i5 6600 Skylake
    VGA: Gigabyte gtx 750
    Memory 8GB DDR4

I replace all of it except my VGA. but Instead of i clear the problem, this problem still goes on, until now. I dunno what happen to my PC. Please someone help

hey thanks for the...
Run dxdiag see if there is any problem with your sound card or directx. Then unistall and reinstall your graphics card drivers and post the results. And check your gpu's temperatures every time that happens.

I already uninstall graphic card driver and reinstall it. I did Rollback driver too 3 days ago but still, i cant find the solution of this. By the way i run benchmark test of my card, and temprature is 42°. Is it normal?

thanks for your suggestion, i will try to change the setting. But if you have another solution to try, just tell me. again, thank you :)

Go to event viewer. Search>Event viewer go to the tab Windows Logs>System right click it clear all the logs till now (optional: if you want save them). Restart the game play to the point it happens go to event viewer again and post the log it generates.

old computer: i5-3330 / GTX 750
new computer: i7-6600K / GTX 750

So just to be clear, you had this issue in DOTA 2 on both the old and new computer. Question: were you using the same storage (HDD or SSD) in both systems? If so, then I recommend that you download the latest sound drivers for your new motherboard:

^ Remember to select your operating system from the puldown menu on the page I linked.
What is your operating system by the way?

Also, please can for infection with the following utility:

Please follow these two steps, answer my questions, and respond back.

hey thanks for the solution, anyway i solve the problem by replacing my VGA to new 1070. Now the problem goes away. I guess that was my old VGA . Thanks anyway