sp1604n firmware 'problems'


Nov 27, 2013
I have an old computer with a Samsung sp1604n and the PCB caught on fire. Pretty common for these HDDs, I've read...
But yeah, the PCB caught on fire and it didn't work anymore, obviously.
So, since I have some important files in there, I was searching for a fix and one of the possible fixes was to replace the PCB with another one of the same model, so I did. I knew there was a bigger chance of it not working than the opposite, but I gave it a try.
I bought the same drive (sp1604) but since this was my first hard drive related problem, I wasn't aware of the firmware issues... The old one was tm100-24 while this new one is tm100-23.

If anyone knows where can I get the firmware (if I can) and how to change it, I'd appreciate it.
I've been looking around and found nothing but a similar one which I'm not sure if it would work - sp1614n-tm100-24

Thanks in advance for the help.
If this is your board ...


... then you can match your firmware by transferring the contents of the Atmel AT49F1024 chip from patient to donor. Some PCB suppliers (eg onepcbsolution.com) provide such a service for US$20.

Otherwise there may be a simple DIY fix for the original PCB, depending on which component was burned.

Can you uplad a photo of the damage?

The owner took the drive today but the component that got burned was the one indicated in the image - http://prntscr.com/5aut29
The owner said he was going to take it to a PC repair shop as I'm not experience with these matters. I'm more of a diagnosis and installation/assembly person.