SPD Max. Bandwith new ram, Locked BIOS?


Jan 8, 2015
Hi I wonder if I would buy 800mhz CL6 for my notebook would It run fine coz if I go CPU-Z it says Max. Bandwith 400Mhz , could someone explain me this? Can I get over this 400Mhz and run it to 800 or not? If so how... and also if its safe do do such thnig (cannot the system or machine overheat or colapse or whatever?)

Also another question, I have been looking in BIOS but didnt rly found any settings as this stuff was seems to be missing, any clue?
Is your laptop using DDR-3? DDR doubles the bandwidth, so a 400MHz RAM has an effective bandwidth of 800MHz.

But if you are talking about using PC3-12800 RAM in a PC3-6400 Motherboard, sadly it is not possible. The RAM will work, but won't deploy its full potential. And furthermore, you will have higher latency with a low clock speed.

EDIT: Since you were talking about CL6, I assume it is an 400Mhz DDR3 RAM. 800MHz RAM have an usual CL of 10.

Hi, thanks for reply, Im sorry I should mention its DDR2... I was looking at crucial.com before the buy so I thought it could reach 800Mhz but in CPU-Z under spd it shows max. brandwith 400Mhz and I cant change much in bios aswell.