Speakers make weird noise when I turn my pc on

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Jul 17, 2017
My computer speakers have made this weird noise since the day that i assembled it, it makes likes a crackling noise for roughly 2 seconds when ever my pc starts up, it doesn't do it while the computer is on or when i shut it down but when ever I turn it on it makes a weird noise from the speakers similar to when you hold a audio jack in your fingers and you hear that humming noise its what my pc speakers do can anyone explain that to me

If your speakers are 'powered' then turn them on AFTER you have turned your PC on (if possible) all audio equipment should be turned on in a specific order, last of all being the amplifier or the amplified speakers.

The noise is static interference coming from the motherboard on initial power...

If your speakers are 'powered' then turn them on AFTER you have turned your PC on (if possible) all audio equipment should be turned on in a specific order, last of all being the amplifier or the amplified speakers.

The noise is static interference coming from the motherboard on initial power up.

Hope this helps.

Its been doing it since i built the computer but its the only computer which ive built that does that and ive never been able to figure out what causes it as it hasnt caused any issues but i figure its not normal coz ive never seen any one elses do that lol !
Thanks kenton82 i thought it might have just been static but i wasnt sure as i said ive never seen another computer do that, but i was also not aware that the audio equipment should be turned on in a specific order
No problem, it's only to avoid any nasty signals finding their way to the speakers, which in bigger systems, CAN cause serious damage to the amp and speakers. The static and electrical impulse from power surges when a system is powered on is sent through the audio system and that is why SOMETIMES you may get a 'thump' or a strong crackle come through. Best to avoid it - but with small PC systems, it is more of an annoyance than is detrimental to the sound system. Plus the fact that most self powered PC speaker systems tend to be quite cheaply made circuitry wise.

Regards, K.

Thanks kenton,

I really appreciate the advice 😀 .
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