

Mar 19, 2004
im currently looking for new speakers....price range is about $50
i have two choices......
Logitech Z2200 2.1 Computer Speaker System
Creative Inspire T7700
Both are in the same price range....but one is high quality 2.1 and one is low end 7.1
which one is better? I mainly play music, watch movie and tv~
You found that T7700 set for $50?

Anyways, I personally own a a Logitech 2.1 set, and a Creative 2.1 set. Both are $50 sets.

Both are very good speakers, the Logitech provides a bit more bass (some people think too much), the Creative set has better highs (Still has good bass). Both sets are very good, I have come to prefer the remote that comes with the Creative set over the knob built into the Logitech speaker.

Also with age the Logitech sets are known to have a little static when turning the knob, clening it will help temporarily, it doesn't necessarily affect the sound, but is the only real complaint I have had from them. Of course they are also a few years old at this point. The only reason I mention it, is becuase I know others who have expeierenced the same thing.

The Creative set I have, are about one year old at this point, and so far no problems.

Overall I have been very happy with both sets, the Logitech is just slightly better with bass, the Creative set is slightly better with highs.

Either will be a great choice.

My Desktop: <A HREF="http://Mr5oh.tripod.com/pc.html" target="_new">http://Mr5oh.tripod.com/pc.html</A>
does it matter the 2.1 system is thx certified, and also the have 200 Watts system? however the 7.1 just with 98 Watts system?
I wouldn't worry about the THX certified or not. What 200 watt sustem are you looking at? Make sure you are only looking at RMS figures, and not peak watt figures. Also remember that watts are everything, there are ways that a speaker recieving less watts can still output equal or more sound.

You may want to check out this post:

<A HREF="http://forumz.tomshardware.com/hardware/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&p=105202#105202" target="_new">http://forumz.tomshardware.com/hardware/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&p=105202#105202</A>

<b>Disregard lp19984 posts</b>, he quite obvisuly doesn't fully understand this stuff (You'll see towards the end, I'm not the only one telling him he is wrong).

I assume the 200 watt system you are referring to is the Logitech? If so that is just a peak figure, and its RMS is more like 45 watts I believe. (Thats just off the top of my head, didn't look it up, might double check).

Either system is a good choice, and a lot more than most people use on their computers.

Make sure that you aren't looking at anything rated in PMPO watts.

My Desktop: <A HREF="http://Mr5oh.tripod.com/pc.html" target="_new">http://Mr5oh.tripod.com/pc.html</A>
this post is gonna follow me everywere lol
mr50h you still dindt explain to me how a 5 watt speaker turns into 6o watts rms

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