Specific Laptop Request

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Jan 21, 2014
I've been searching the internet for sites where I can build my own laptop from scratch like PC Part Picker but to no avail.

So I'm looking to build a laptop that can handle Ubuntu, Metasploit, CMD and other such OS's and Programs.

I want it to be small yet durable enough to carry around anywhere. Not terribly expensive, roughly around $500. It should have a long battery life and a backlit keyboard.

I'm not sure if what I'm seeking exists but getting a few answers on here is better than striving ever so ignorantly into the unknown.
There are custom builders where you can specify each component of the laptop. While dell, HP, alienware, etc. offer some customization options on their sites, other builders use barebones systems from MSI or Sager which allow you to customize more.

I can recommend both Gentechpc and Mythlogic and custom laptop builders. They both have good websites. You've mentioned Ubantu, some of these builders give the option of whether or not you want to pay for windows to be installed.
There are custom builders where you can specify each component of the laptop. While dell, HP, alienware, etc. offer some customization options on their sites, other builders use barebones systems from MSI or Sager which allow you to customize more.

I can recommend both Gentechpc and Mythlogic and custom laptop builders. They both have good websites. You've mentioned Ubantu, some of these builders give the option of whether or not you want to pay for windows to be installed.

Thank you for showing me that. I'll be sure to take a look at those websites soon.
It seems that Gentechpc and Mythlogic are both gaming laptops.

Are there any specific hardware requirements I should be looking into for what I mentioned above?

Can i just go to bestbuy with the hardware suggestions in mind and get a cheap laptop?
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