Specifics in Terms of a UPS- 600 Watt System + 32" LCD


Nov 17, 2014
Hi all,

I have been scouring the forums and pretty much all the online sources but the tips given are varying far and Wide so i just thought i would ask here.

My PC specs are as follows:
i5-4690 (Non OC)
8 Gigs of Kingston Fury 1866. (Soon to be upped to 16 Gigs.
H97M-D3H Mobo from Gigabyte.
Gigabyte GTX 970 G1 Gaming Edition (Working at the stock OC)
WD 1TB Green
(Adding a 128 Gig 850 Samsung SSD in the Future)
Corsair GS600W PSU.
Corsair Graphite 230T Case.
(The Case itself has one fan in the Back , 2 Fans with LEDs in the Front.) I plan on adding atleast an aftermarket cooler to my CPU and maybe another fan at the top of the Case.

The Above setup shows the power usage at something like 420 Watts on Xtremepower Website
The Entire System will never be overclocked. My current Samsung LCD is rated at 42 Watts(720P) it will be upgraded to a 1080p LCD albeit on a smaller Screen Size.

Now from all my research i have found that generally a PURE SIne-Wave UPS will be my best bet and it should be somewhere like 1000VA and atleast 1KWatts for headroom. The brands i can get are sadly restricted to Mercury and APC.

The backup i will be looking for is probably in the range of 1+ Hour , since there are scheduled power cuts in my country upto 9 hours a day. I am going to get a couple of 175 Amp Flooded batteries for my setup too.

I would like some recommendations and possible corrections in terms of what to buy and what power ratings should the things themselves have because i dont want to make a mistake and have a PC which cost me in excess of $1100 Blow up in my face. All suggestions are HIGHLY appreciated and welcome.
I'm not sure what you have planned with the batteries, that would be a whole different matter. In terms of a ups, even a 1kw won't give you an hour of runtime. Ups aren't designed to be alternative backup power like a generator to use and keep running. They only provide enough power (depending on system/monitor needs and ups power rating) to give you a few minutes to close up shop and shut down until power returns. If you need alternative power I'd look into getting some form of generator. Make sure and read the specs on the ups, for instance a 600w unit won't supply 600w of power for 30min or an hour. It will only provide 500w of power for around 2-3min, 300w power for around 6min or so. You can see where this is going, in order to have even 10min of backup power to shut down (without being rushed) you need a ups that's rated well above your usage. Thinking along the lines of 1kw is a good idea.

Ups will save you from a hard shutdown without warning and may keep a pc powered during 'flickering' power. However you already know your power will be down for several hours a day and that's really not what a ups is made for (other than allowing you to shutdown when the power first goes out unexpectedly).

Yes, an 1000VA APC will be OK, but you don't necessarily need a PURE Sinevawe UPS. However, a standard UPS will give you only 5 minutes back-up time and will never work such prolonged periods of time close to its maximum rated power (they cannot go over 10 mins without overheating and shutting down). I suggest you to go for this:

http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=SUA2200UXI&total_watts=1400 (specifically made for an external battery pack).

An UPS AND a generator is a better idea, but if you are living in a heavy populated area this is out of the question.
Well sadly thats the situation in my country overall. I do plan on getting a Generator when summer (the real power Outages hit) But till then i was hoping a UPS + External Batteries could keep things running. I have friends here with gaming rigs which eat up like much more power than my setup and they are running them on 1500VA APC UPS Attached to Flooded batteries for quite a while without Issues (Even for extended periods) So i was just curious if it would work in my case too (Becase him and plenty other friends report no issues(heating or anything)