Specs Upgrade for Gaming Advice


Jan 21, 2016
Hello! I purchased a computer about 2 years ago for gaming. Now im afraid the specs are a little outdated and was wondering what I should upgrade in order to play games smoothly. I mostly only play Skyrim as it is my favorite game of all time, but I sometimes play other open world rpgs such as fallout, witcher 3, etc... Also another side note is I enjoy modding skyrim and improving the graphics and things like that. If im going to upgrade I would like to go all out and have the games run at at least 30-40 fps on ultra settings. maybe even 60+ depending on how much I would have to spend. Id preferably spend anywhere from $100 to $300, but I will get up to $500-$600 if I have to. If what I want takes more money than that then ill just settle with what I can get. I have absolutely no clue about anything related to computers or their specs, so any advice will be appreciated! My current specs are as follows:

Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @3.4 GHz
Installed Memory (RAM): 8.00 GB
System Type: 64-bit Operating System
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GT 520
Monitor: acer H233H running at 1920x1080 (32 bit) 60Hz


Okay im looking at what i believe to be the power supply thingy inside the computer because the power chord is plugged directly into it. On it says "Total max. output 480W." idk if thats the power supply and if its not where can i find it?