SPECTRE and/or MELTDOWN first hand experience?


Feb 15, 2014
Does anyone actually have first hand experience with these issues? I feel like the whole SPECTRE/MELTDOWN scare was more of a way for the industry to scare ppl into buying new hardware since for a while there it was really not worth it to upgrade systems and DDR4 was struggling to gain traction.
I notice there's a new BIOS for my 2014 mobo (ASUS ROG HERO VII) released this year, as beta which it's likely to be forever, to address this problem. When I asked ASUS about it at the time that these issues were "big news", they said that the board was too old and there was no further support for it, and I should upgrade.
I'd really like to know if anyone actually experienced something that would necessitate upgrading to a permanently beta bios, especially seeing that this is old news.
Doesn't make sense for it to be a "scared" when their stock went down for a bit and they lost money over it...

It also doesn't force any upgrades. They were able to patch it so there would be no reason to need to upgrade unless you had some really crappy CPU that wouldn't handle being patched without seeing a large decrease in performance, which is rare.

There has been many tests, (see youtube) comparing patched systems with unpatched ones and the performance difference is barely a thing to even be talking about. If anything it was a few points difference and only noticeable in really poor performing CPUs or systems used for extreme rendering work. (and again, by only a few points).