Question speed issues

May 30, 2024
Guys i have fiber optic connection 1gig.
There is a fiber optic line from the outside coming into the house in my kitchen and inside there is a box (i would assume a fiber optic modem) and then from that box to a wifi router.
I have that routher wired to a computer and that computer gets every bit of 1 gig up and down.
From that routher i have 5 TP link Deco mesh units are attached. 1st unit (Master) is wired from the router and rest units are wirelessly connected to master unit.
Problem is anything connected to TP Link Deco mesh doest not get more than 100 MBPS download and about 50-60 MBPS upload.
I am not sure why DECO mesh is restricted to 100 MBPS.
What am i missing?

Note: I have 2 separate wifi networks. 1st router that is directly attached to the fiber optic box on the wall is a router given by the net provider and wifi network is called "Streaming". Deco main unit is hard wired to this router and mesh network is called "Connection".

My 2nd question is: Can i get rid of the net providers router comepletely and just use Deco for the routing and mesh network? and if so what info i will need to transfer from the network provide router to Deco? or is simply plug and play?

network provided unit is

Technicolor CGM4981​

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Could be you have a bad cable between the main router and the tplink. The port might be only running at 100mbps rather than gigabit. Not sure if you can log into the router or the tplink and see if it will tell you the speed.

You need to make thing simpler. Turn off all but the main tplink unit and test the wifi speed you get. You need to be sure that you are connecting on the 5ghz band and not 2.4. You also want to test right next to the tplink to see what the best case speed is.

It depends on your end devices and what they can do. The vast majority you are lucky to get 300mbps some are less. This is going to be directly connecting to the main tplink. Running any kind of mesh/repeater system is going to greatly reduce the speed. it is not uncommon to lose 1/2 the speed or more.

I also strongly suspect you are not placing the remote repeater units correctly. Nobody needs 4 remote units unless they have some massive house. The repeater do not go in the remote rooms they need to go 1/2 between the remote room and the main tplink. You want as few repeaters are you can run and still get the coverage you need. The repeaters interfere with each other. They actually interfere with themselves unless you buy the really expensive units that have extra radios for backhaul. The term "deco mesh" means little since they have so many models with that name.
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May 30, 2024
its 5000 sq ft home, not sure how many Deco XE-75 units i need to cover the whole house.
Anyways i just got rid of the Cox router and wired Deco hard wire directly to the fiber ONT and now i am getting full 1 gig on all devices .
So my guess is that Cox router either had a 100 mbps port or cable was 100 mpbs cable.
i am going to run the whole entire network off Deco from now on and return the cox router back to them.
Best to only have 1 router. Some times you do not have the option to not use the ISP router.

Your best option is to try to get wired connects for as many of the remotes as you can.

Use the fewest total but especially ones that run in repeater mode. You might see higher signal number of bars...but if the data has lots of interference between the main router and the remote you will still get poor data rates.