Question Speed related


Mar 14, 2019
So i have noticed that, whenever i do a speedtest by Ookla, i get a download speed of 53.73MBps, and an upload speed of 14.81, they seem great.
But whenever i download a game through steam, or i get a download speed of 7Mbps, max or even sometimes 6.
I live in 3rd floor, so i have configured a router for my floor alone, connected to a switch in 2nd floor and the switch connected with the main modem that was provided by my ISP.
Well according to my ISP, we are supposed to be getting around 1GB.
So i have no idea what could be wrong here

Thank you in advance.


Your ISP and speedtest report in megabits/sec
Steam reports in megabytes/sec.
Approx 8:1 ratio.

7 * 8 = 56. Almost exactly the same as your "53.73"

Now...for the theoretical 1gbps you're supposed to be getting from the ISP, thats a whole different story.
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With 1Gbs you only want to use one router. If they gave you one use that. few routers can NAT at 1Gbs.
If you need added wifi or ports use an access point or switch.

repost all your speeds in b or B and list all your equipment.

Try running a speed test with the pc connected to the modem or primary router. a lot of stuff is a combo unit now.