Spiderman wos 60 fps before but now it is 10?


Sep 27, 2018
My specs:
Windows 7 Ultimate

Processor: AMD E-350D APU with Radeon HD Graphics 1.60 GHz

RAM: Samsung DDR 4 GB (2.86 usable)

Graphics card: AMD Radeon HD 6310 Ghaphics

32-bit Operating System

Yeah yeah i know you gonna say specs are s**t but THIS specs are above recommended for spiderman web of shadows. When i brought my pc the game was running at 60 fps but it it is 10-15 fps why? And yeah i have formated my pc, updated drivers, cleaned pc, increased ram, but nothing works!!!! And also game lags in certain directions like when i look at sea it gives me 60 fps but when i look at city it gives 15! So it is render distance/depth of field/FOV (what ever you wanna say it) problem. But this wasnt happening when i brought my pc i was playing wos for 3-4 years without lags but now it lags at unplayable level. Also there are not much setting to change in game and there is not any lag patch for this game. Please help thank you
(Sorry for bad english)
I mean. I have updated my pc just because of low fps i thought that would solve the problem but it didnt. Btw i formated pc like 5 days ago but i have installed amd catalyst drivers and other things like direct x, steam
Any fix for it? Okay let me be honest. I didnt even opened my pc since i brought it.(brought it in 2012 so 6 years) do you think my motherboard/gpu/cpu/psu/etc. Could be damaged?