Question Spilt Pepsi near my laptop


Sep 16, 2021
Hi everyone, I'm feeling very stupid after knocking over a glass of Pepsi next to my laptop. Thankfully it was on a cooling pad so didn't get soaked, in fact the only bit of Pepsi I can see was a splash the size of my small finger nail on the encasing next to the air vent. I blotted it straight away and left it for 24 hours. You can't smell anything, can't see anything but I'm worried about what damage this could do.

I have accidental coverage protection for the laptop, but there's no fault with the laptop so ASUS most likely won't accept a claim, plus it seems silly to send off a laptop when all the tests come back fine. I could always claim if and when the laptop does fail.

Should I pay a local IT company to look at it?

I'm a bit of a noob when it comes to these things and am not sure of the risks and what to do. Any advice appreciated. Thanks!


Sep 16, 2021
Highly doubtful that splash (if it's truly how you described it) did anything significant.
Yes, the drink was knocked over and as I have a high cooling pad it didn’t go onto the laptop. It was just a splash the size of my little fingernail which I wiped off. Cheers for your help, I’ll stop worrying.