Split-screen shooter versus on pc

some are indeed out there, list is not complete and not all are versus or shooter, but listed them anyways 😉

unreal tournament 4, blur, Split/Second: Velocity, Sam: The Second Encounter, Left 4 Dead, Kane & Lynch: Dead Men, Overlord 2, Tony Hawk: American Wasteland, Sega Rally Revo, Watchmen, Dynasty Warriors 6

some interesting websites:
You mean where you have 2+ players sitting at the same PC, using the same screen, to play the game simultaneously? Nope, don't have them.

But then, who would want them? If I'm split-screened on a TV set, then I'm usually getting a smaller visual area than the single-screen region on my PC monitor. Ever played 4-player FPS on a 32" TV set? It doesn't give you a lot of room to see where the targets are at, since each player is only getting an 8" diagonal. That's maybe a third of the space on my monitor when I'm playing Halo CE/2 or BF3/4.
some are indeed out there, list is not complete and not all are versus or shooter, but listed them anyways 😉

unreal tournament 4, blur, Split/Second: Velocity, Sam: The Second Encounter, Left 4 Dead, Kane & Lynch: Dead Men, Overlord 2, Tony Hawk: American Wasteland, Sega Rally Revo, Watchmen, Dynasty Warriors 6

some interesting websites: