Splitting ethernet signal to two computers.

fridge gnome

Oct 16, 2011
I'm trying to connect a second desktop to my internet connection. I'm trying to make do with what I have.

My current setup has my primary desktop using a wireless card and getting internet from the wireless router. Then I bridged the connection from my desktop to my xbox. Everything worked perfectly.

However, I recently got a second desktop(running lubuntu if it matters) and I'm trying to get it connected so that I can use Synergy and share a mouse with it.

I found an old router laying around the house and was hoping I could use it to share the bridged connection to my xbox with the second desktop. Like this:


I couldn't get that to work though. The second desktop knew it was connected, but it couldn't connect to the internet. It would also throw off my primary desktop and it would try to connect to the old router.

I also tried to set it up like this:

Using an ethernet plug in the wall that normally just went to the TV and trying to split it there. The TV still worked, but the second desktop didn't.

Any ideas on how I can get this all working. I'd like to do it without having to order a wireless card/usb and just use what I have.


Connect router 2 by using an LAN port not its WAN port. Assign router 2 a static IP in router 2 and the same address for it in router 1, which is in the router 1 network but outside of its DHCP assignment range. Turn off DHCP in router 2, and if router 2 has wireless and you have it turned on use the same SSID and security type/encryption/password but a different radio channel.