See, you're doing exactly what i asked you not to do rhangman, you're arguing a moot and uneducated point.
Apple built something, made it open source (where they got their resources from is not the point i'm making, it's a point you're forcing) Google said "hey, this works well, it's open source, that's how we operate, so lets use it" and used Apple's open source browser for android. no big deal, the end. I'm sure they've made tweaks, they'll probably replace it in time, but if you're trying to get a mobile OS off the ground quickly, why not use what works well already and save yourself months of development time. (after all, at the time, mobile safari accounted for 93% of mobile browsing)
So these are my personal opinions, but here's something to consider, I'm a full-time flash developer, if anyone on this forum should hate Apple right now it is people in my position because Apple and Adobe have been at it for years now. If Apple had their way flash would be no more; however, i see it for what it is, HTML 5 and CSS3 are not a threat to my job, they're another way to do my job, so I follow those as well. But i'm not angry at a company for trying to progress technology and further the development of our culture. I could give you other reasons why i should professionally hate Apple, like being an employee of the New York Times and the rumors about tablets killing print media, but one i don't work in print and two they're false rumors anyway, but i'm not going to entertain this quarrel any longer.
The point i was trying to display is that this prototype is probably over ten years old, and it's most likely a wifi antenna not a 3G. Finally, trying to claim one company is superior, the originator, or dictator of an industry is a moot point and by pursuing such trivial debacles you only shorten your breath, raise your cholesterol, stress yourself out, make yourself angry, and ultimately shorten your lifespan.
Me, I enjoy life, computers are just tools, a means to an end. The things that are important to me are the people I see at work every day, the people I see when i socialize, and the woman i come home to. Things like a prototype mac, or the supremacy of X company affect me none and benefit me none to rabble on about, and i hope something similar for everyone – life's too short to spend it debating irrelevant rivalries.