Sprint, Hallmark Making Tech Trek Doc Using Google Glass

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Wearable computing is the future.. We don't know who will be the one to make the tech go mass market, but it definitely is the future. The idea of merging the digital and real worlds is very powerful. Google is going to have to market the hell out of this product to change social norms and developers are going to have to kill it. The funny thing is, I can't really find many people developing for the wearables market on a large scale. I only found dSky9 - a San Francisco startup.. http://www.dsky9.com - I used their free GlassFAQ to get some PSD templates for rapid prototyping Glass apps.. There's some useful competitive analysis, UI/UX info, tech specs, etc.. I just figured I would pass it along. Does anyone know of any other startups in this space?
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