Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsme.general (
More info?)
This is a repost since my original reply did not show up in the group
even though it was sent before another message in a different thread
which did. So I'll try again. The original reply is at the bottom.
Alias wrote:
> Just checked both and no updates. There were some a few days ago.
> Alias
> "sced13ri" <sced13ri@nowhere.invalid> wrote
>>It looks like everyone is catching up. Spybot has new defs plus other
>>updates. The downloads are very slow. Spyware Blaster updated fast as
>>usual. And ZoneAlarm Pro also updated today.
To all, my apologies. I have been away for over a week and after
updating took a quick look at this group to see if there was a post. I
guess I missed it. Since both ZoneAlarm and AVG also updated and with a
09/08/05 date, as well as AdAware, I did that ass-u-me thing. No real
excuse. I should have looked at the programs more carefully after
updating, I would have seen they were as of 09/02/05.
Mea culpa.
As Poirot might say "my old and worn little grey cells failed me".
BTW, the ZA Pro was a major update to V6.0.667.000 with Anti-spyware
engine V4.0.9.6 DAT file V01.200509.125 I don't know if there is a
similar update to the free version since I am set to auto update
notification and rarely visit the ZA site. Free version users might want
to check.