To clarify, the Ryzen 5 1600 is the recommended AMD CPU, not the minimum. Square Enix didn't cite a specific AMD processor model in the minimum spec, and instead it only listed an Intel Core i3-3220 or "AMD equivalent." Of course the Ryzen quad-core processors (like the Ryzen 3 1400) will run the game (it's definitely better than the Core i3-3220), but Square Enix specified the Ryzen 5 1600 as the recommended AMD CPU because it meets the "recommended" criteria, whatever that may be (a framerate target at a specific resolution and setting, for example). We can take this to mean above average performance compared to the minimum spec (perhaps more eye candy turned on or more FPS), and we know many of these minimum system requirements are mere ballpark suggestions for an enjoyable experience (which in many cases, means at least 30 FPS). Either way, if you're running hardware that's anywhere near the ballpark of the listed specifications (in age, performance, or both), you'll be in the door for the next chapter of the Tomb Raider saga.