SR-71 analyze the PSU

That's a great PSU. It scored 9.6/10 on JonnyGuru's review (

The AXi are for serious overclockers, and really high-end systems. Not that you can't use them, they're just a bit 'overkill'. The HXi will do you just fine.
While there are no reviews on Jonnyguru for the 750w model, the 650 and 850 models scored higher than the HX unit did.
And hey guess what, its cheaper.
Manufactured by SuperFlower, the best of the best. Even better than Seasonic.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Power Supply: EVGA SuperNOVA P2 750W 80+ Platinum Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($109.99 @ NCIX US)
Total: $109.99
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-02-17 14:59 EST-0500

^^^ this is it
but.. he did say that he was going for a corsair theme build 😉

Just a correction here, the AX series are Seasonic built, except the AX1200 which is Flextronics, but the AXi are Flextronics built. Not a bad thing as the Corsair AXi series is one of the best rated and performing PSUs out there but they are a bit more costly due to the Corsair Link, which I have had working great on 8/8.1/10 but some have had issues with it.

However the HX750is have been getting good reviews as well and are a bit cheaper than the AXi.

I have a AX860i and I have yet to have an issue with Corsair Link (minus when 8.1 first came out and the driver wasn't updated yet) and the PSU itself is great. The HXi series is pretty much now what the AXi was, I think the AXi is going to become their Titanium rated PSUs next.

Most of Corsairs higher end offerings are fantastic.