News SSD and HDD Statistics From EaseUS

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May 11, 2008
This version of the report describes what is offered, but the report has shortcomings. It seems to avoid users who have plugin drives, either USB, or other interfaces. My offline backup drives usually are four terabytes and much larger.
Hard drives are easily 16+ terabytes, without being too expensive. Remote mounted SSD can easily be four terabytes, with costs being much higher is high speed access to the drive is important.
The report assumed that users use the Microsoft Windows default of having the application files being on the same drive partition as the booting operating system drive, Drive C.
Sensible administrators often have the booting drive, Drive C, being just 60 to 120 gigabytes. This enables the application and data files being on either a different drive or different partition. These applications and data can then be much easier to manage. Many user permissions, many backups and error correction safeguards can then be used, independent of whatever operating system is used.
The report failed to also understand using multi-booting operating systems, such as a few versions of Windows, and also the user of Linux and other systems, to use the independent applications and data.
Serious users of data and applications can use these without concern about any operating system failures or compromises. Unknown to the producers of this report on the use of the same data and applications, independent of the Drive C booting disk on Drive C. This can be done with independent with booting systems, including Linux mounted onto an added USB drive.


Apr 25, 2020
I find it incredulous that users these days still buy 128 (or even 256) GB SSDs for their systems.....whereas a 500 GB SSD is about $30-40 and 1 TB is about $60!!
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