SSD and HDD Windows 10 Long Reboot and Shutdown


Apr 6, 2017
Hello, I have an ASUS K55A Laptop. I bought an SSD drive today along with a caddy, and what I did was that I formatted both drives, and then got the HDD out, put the SSD in its place, and then I installed a fresh copy of Windows 10 with just the SSD. Everything was OK, until I put the HDD drive in the caddy and right into the laptop. It was not doing any problems, its just that whenever I try to restart or shutdown, it takes a very very long time, like 10-15 minutes. It shows a black screen along with the LED light still on, and I searched for a solution, but then I force-shutted down and got the HDD out and everything was back to normal. I don't know what is the issue here and I would very much like to hear a solution to this. Thanks in advance.

Its not the HDD, I successfully copied files on it, also tried it on another laptop using a SATA port. I am sure its something in the Windows settings that is making these two drives uncompatible...But I cannot figure out what is it.
Shouldn't be any settings in windows besides formatting options. If you computer hangs for long periods of time with the second drive install, its probably a drive issue. I would check the SMART status of that drive.
There is the SMART status, its is all fine...
Update : Whenever I format the HDD, or take it out and put in in again, the laptop restarts very fast the first time(the HDD makes the sound it should be making when shutting down or restarting, you know what I mean), but after that the problem returns and the HDD is not making that sound which means I'm stuck at 10 minute reboots again.
I'd test with WD software again. Sometimes their specific diagnostics can find things the generic tests like CrystalDisk don't. All the symptoms you describe sound like a hard drive that is failing. Beyond that, it could be Windows is trying to write some temp files to disk before shutting down, and something is screwing with that process. Make sure your HDD isn't set to be used as a source for Virtual Memory.

Could you please guide me through that Virtual Memory source process ? I will check with WD software in the meantime.
Update : Everything is fine with WD Disk Software also. I also found out that Virtual Memory Paging for HDD is set to None.
Disable Windows fast startup.
It always has problems with closing filesystem while shutdown. I also faced similar issue and while making system dual boot, it was one of linux recommendations. This solved the my shutdown problem also.

I have done that as a first option, did not help either.

Did you give do the long or short test? I always run the long to rule out issues that can be ID'd by the diag software.

Also, just so I'm clear, after installing your OS, you've tried running the system both with and without the HDD in place right?

Ran the long test, its said PASS and it seemed fine. And yes, I tried running with and without the HDD. Can it be that it recognizes the HDD as a removable device ?

Well then in theory your drive should be good, but then I've had bad units pass the diag test before. But at least we have that out of the way. When you disconnect the HDD from the system, the behavior goes away right? As for recognizing it as a removable device, that is possible tho I'm not sure if that would foul up the shut down procedure. Check your devices and see if it's showing up as one. I know Win7 has some issues with that and ACHI mode with some systems but you're running Win10 so that shouldn't be a thing.

I can see it in Disk Management(I can make it go Offline/Online so it is still a removable device). But I don't see it in BIOS, only the Win Boot Mgr (The SSD) is there. And yeah, I installed with AHCI too.