Jan 3, 2019
Hi guys

I tried searching through the forums to answer my question but couldn't find the answer I was looking for.

Here goes.

Recently picked up a pc with a 256gb sdd and 1tb hdd. I think I've figured out how to save certain files on certain drives now but I did download some programs onto my ssd that don't need to be on there. If I just copy and paste those programs onto my hdd then delete them off my ssd will I run into any issues?

Also, say I move a steam game from my ssd to my hdd or vice versa will I run into any issues?

SO basically what I'm asking is can I just move stuff around from one drive to the other without messing stuff up?


Copying "programs"? No. They will break.
You need to Uninstall, and...

Copying "programs"? No. They will break.
You need to Uninstall, and then reinstall where you want them. But really, you do want your applications on the SSD.

Moving Steam games? Sure.
Steam games location
In the steam client:
Steam Library Folders
Add library folder

To move an already installed game
Games library
Right click the game
Local Files
Move Install Folder


Ok so say I downloaded discord when I first got my pc. It saved on my SSD because I didn't know what I was doing. I can't just copy and paste it to my HDD then?

No. Not sure about Discord specifically, but most applications cannot be moved like that. They'd need to be Uninstalled, and then reinstalled.

But you really shouldn't. Most apps are tiny. They're not taking up any appreciable space.
Putting them on the HDD is a waste of having the SSD. You want your applications to run fast.

A 250GB SSD will hold a lot more than you think.

Games take so much space though, and I want them to load fast. I also have my OS on my SSD .

Fingers crossed we get more bang for our buck this year and SSDs drop significantly more in pricing. I ended up getting a $500 GB external SSD for 50 bucks at BestBuy.

Some games that I have on my SSD:
Fallout 3, NV, 4 & 76
GTA 5.
What you need to do is as USAFRet has said.
You move games with Steam to your 1TB drive.
Also, your default "download from web stuff" downloads to C drive (your SSD) so you should clear out your DOWNLOAD folder on C drive. Also check your Documents folder. All this can be moved to the 1 TB drive. In your browser, also set download to go to your 1TB drive.

Have games on both your SSD and HDD. Ones you don't play much can be on HDD and the ones you play now on the SSD. That's pretty much what I do. Although I have 1TB in games for SSD, I still move my older games to my HDD, also games that don't need super quick access as well, where a HDD is faster enough.