Hey everyone, I've solved a lot of my doubts about computer problems in general with this forum in the past but this is my first ever post since I couldn't figure what's going on just by searching others' posts.
Back in 2015 I bought a Lenovo Y50 laptop that was defective and it was RMA'd. Lenovo eventually sent me a brand new laptop and with it the SSD from the defective laptop because why not. Later on I built a desktop and decided to use that SSD as my C drive. The model is MZ7TE512HMHP-000L2. This is a Samsung 512Gb drive that I believe to be similar to a 840 EVO. This desktop has always been sort of slow on boot but recently it's taking 4+ minutes so you can actually log in and start doing anything. In an attempt to fix this slow boot I decided to check how that SSD was performing for the first time ever so I downloaded CrystalDiskMark and it shows horrible results:
My build is as follows:
OS: Windows 10 Education
Mobo: MSI Z170M mortar
CPU: i5 6500
RAM: 16Gb DDR4 2400MHz
GPU: Asus GTX 970 Turbo
I can't use Samsung Magician to see if there's any firmware updates for it because it is an OEM device so it's not supported by Samsung. Looked on the Lenovo page for drivers for the Y50 and there's nothing related to storage. Device manager says it's up to date. What can cause these low results? Any recommendations on what to do? The boot was super fast on the defective Y50 with this SSD in it.
Thanks in advance
Back in 2015 I bought a Lenovo Y50 laptop that was defective and it was RMA'd. Lenovo eventually sent me a brand new laptop and with it the SSD from the defective laptop because why not. Later on I built a desktop and decided to use that SSD as my C drive. The model is MZ7TE512HMHP-000L2. This is a Samsung 512Gb drive that I believe to be similar to a 840 EVO. This desktop has always been sort of slow on boot but recently it's taking 4+ minutes so you can actually log in and start doing anything. In an attempt to fix this slow boot I decided to check how that SSD was performing for the first time ever so I downloaded CrystalDiskMark and it shows horrible results:

My build is as follows:
OS: Windows 10 Education
Mobo: MSI Z170M mortar
CPU: i5 6500
RAM: 16Gb DDR4 2400MHz
GPU: Asus GTX 970 Turbo
I can't use Samsung Magician to see if there's any firmware updates for it because it is an OEM device so it's not supported by Samsung. Looked on the Lenovo page for drivers for the Y50 and there's nothing related to storage. Device manager says it's up to date. What can cause these low results? Any recommendations on what to do? The boot was super fast on the defective Y50 with this SSD in it.
Thanks in advance