SSD file extraction speeds too slow?


Sep 26, 2014
Lately I've been doing a good amount of unzipping files (700MB-4GB) with my 128GB Samsung 840 Pro and noticed varying write speeds.

It starts at 50mb/sec, steadily climbs and maxes out around 180mb/sec, and starts to rapidly taper off midway through the unzip back down to 50-60mb/sec. Still snappy, but with a write speed rating of around 400mb/sec, why are these speeds so much slower? Does my SSD have a bad write latency or something?

Then you're limitation is seomthing else... if it is dealing with .zip files, then your processor/RAM/mobo are probably running at their max ability, and that's the limiting factor - remember whenever you open or close or whatever a zip file, the computer is doing work compressing or decompressing files, so it's never gonna give you drive speeds the same as using normal files and folders

In other words, don't worry about it

Then you're limitation is seomthing else... if it is dealing with .zip files, then your processor/RAM/mobo are probably running at their max ability, and that's the limiting factor - remember whenever you open or close or whatever a zip file, the computer is doing work compressing or decompressing files, so it's never gonna give you drive speeds the same as using normal files and folders

In other words, don't worry about it