SSD for laptop


Jun 22, 2015
I've had this bad boy for what must be 7 years now. It was used, and has long since been replaced by a proper gaming desktop, for light gaming and other media. Served me faithfully and still does, I use to watch movies on the tv and such. Over the years the read and write speed of the HDD has gotten noticeably slower :c It takes a lengthy time to transfer files to and from a sub stick, it takes forever to load Hearthstone and other light games. I want to replace the hdd in it with an ssd, around 250g would be enough. Can someone recommend an SSD for this laptop?

I can't recall the exact model number and can't look at it right now (at work)

HP Pavilion DV5
Intel core2duo @ 2.0
4G of ram

No budget, just want to make sure the SSD is compatible with the laptop. Like I want it to fit in the laptop, a normal sized SSD will not fit in a laptop, hence my question.

Well gee thanks little TimTim, obviously I'm asking here because I have never dealt with SSDs before and don't have time to do my own research right this second.

I answered your question and kindly advised you to do minimal research. If you don't have time to do a little research then you don't have time to learn and you're out of your depth. Swim back to the shallow end of the pool chief until you have time to learn to swim.

Keep editing your answer, maybe one of these revisions won't sound like it's coming from an arrogant twat.
That isn't even the correct use of that saying you uneducated scoundrel. It's "walk to the shallow end of the pool until you learn how to swim" If you are SWIMMING to the end of the pool then you already know how to swim. Do a little research next time before trying to sound cool.

Lol go home bad kid. Imagery is imagery and the fact remains that if you desire to switch over to a SSD you will have to do some research. We all said 2.5" SSD's will work, you know what capacity you need now go find one in your budget. God forbid you should try to go learn something intuitively.

Well you're clearly twelve and in no place to hand out advice about anything, especially on this site.
I know what an SSD does, how it works and what it can be used for. I did not know they are small form factor by default because I never owned one. I asked for a specific SSD for my old laptop, not "all SSDs will work and go do your own research" That is not a valid answer to my question. Like, oh I don't know, a link to a product that someone here owns and recommends. Or a recommendation as to what brand or make. I can ask google the broad questions like these, I come here for specific answers and people's experience.