SSD for OS, 1TB for Data


Sep 25, 2011
I just received my 240GB Intel 530 SSD in the mail and while i have done the split install before on my laptop it was three years ago and I cant seem to remember exactly how I did it. What Im thinking about doing is Partitioning my ssd into ~60Gb for **Windows 7** and ~180gb for specific storage of games and heavily used programs. The rest of my stuff, user data, program files, and the like I want on my hdd. I have found documentation using the sticky's in this forum about relocating the user folders and locations, but I strongly remember going in and changing registry entries not simply right clicking and moving. I also want the default install location to point to my hdd and not my ssd. Sorry for the long write up but I'm trying to be clear as possible without demanding lol. I also have a 500GB drive and I was wondering If It was possible to partition the 1TB and then RAID 0 that partition with the 500GB drive. That would be a drive for my games, but that's just a bonus.

so essentially i want to have;
C:/ *SSD Partition 1*
Y:/ *SSD Partition 2*
Z:/ *1TB data Drive*


C:/ *SSD Partition 1*
X:/ *RAID 0 500GB*
Y:/ *SSD Partition 2*
Z:/ *500GB* data Drive*

Thanks in advance and sorry if this is a daunting task

**Update** Ive decided to go with Windows 8.1 Pro since I can get it for cheaper and it still provides the RAM overhead I want. Can this still be done?
its the same. You either redirect installs to the other drive during install or set the default install location to the other drive.

Without a touchscreen I suspect classic shell would be installed soon. LoL

8.1 is a free upgrade from 8 and I honestly prefer 8 as 8.1 seems to have more annoyances* as well as still not having a start button.

*For example, in 8 I created 3 shortcuts I placed in the quicklaunch to shutdown, restart, and sleep. These work fine in 8 with 1 click. In 8.1 you get another window asking (i forget) either do you really want to do that? or maybe its do you want to give this program permission to run? forcing you to move the mouse back up to the middle of the screen to click yes (not so easy on a tiny trackpad...
Windows gives you the option to create volumes before installing. Otherwise you can install then shrink the volume and create a second volume. Doing it during the install seems easier.

I think if it were possible to raid a 500GB HDD with a partition of another one you would have endless issues. I would avoid raid. You could add the 500GB drive.

C:/ *SSD Partition 1*
D:/ *SSD Partition 2*
Y:/ *500GB data Drive*
Z:/ *1TB data Drive*

For the data you care about just keep a copy on both HDDs.

I was thinking the raid would be difficult but I figured I would ask.

Not to be a pain in the a$$ but I just received a discount from Microsoft since I am a student and I can get windows 8.1 pro for half of what windows 7 ultimate would cost me. Would the splitting of the OS and Data still work the same way?

I have 8.1 on my laptop but it is a touch screen so its a bit more friendly but ive heard good things about the 8.2 update to come. Im just wondering how I would go about doing this OS and Data seperation in Windows 8. Ive only done Windows 7
its the same. You either redirect installs to the other drive during install or set the default install location to the other drive.

Without a touchscreen I suspect classic shell would be installed soon. LoL

8.1 is a free upgrade from 8 and I honestly prefer 8 as 8.1 seems to have more annoyances* as well as still not having a start button.

*For example, in 8 I created 3 shortcuts I placed in the quicklaunch to shutdown, restart, and sleep. These work fine in 8 with 1 click. In 8.1 you get another window asking (i forget) either do you really want to do that? or maybe its do you want to give this program permission to run? forcing you to move the mouse back up to the middle of the screen to click yes (not so easy on a tiny trackpad htpc remote)
I have 8.1 on my laptop and it seems ok but i have every intention of using the classic shell. lol. but ive been thinking if i just allocate 80gb of my ssd to the os and the standard files but then just redirect the default install location to the hdd and save the other 160gb on the ssd as a steam partition. any ideas or quips?