SSD for OS, 1TB HDD for everything else.


Jun 16, 2017
Hi guys, I want to buy an SSD just for Windows 10 Home and I want to use basically everything else on the 1TB HDD, would a 60GB SSD be enough for Windows 10?

Thanks in advance.
Agreed. I have my copy of win7 on a 120GB SSD. Only the copy of windows, and the normal stuff you need to make windows usable like broswer, office program, AV, etc, I'm using ~60GBs of space. I leave the other 60GBs just open so the SSD has room to do what it needs to do. My steam folder sits on another SSD, while my general storage needs are took care of by using two 4TB drives. I honestly feel if you try getting a 60GB drive you'll fill it up and it will be dog slow trying to do anything due to the lack of space.


Agreed. I have my copy of win7 on a 120GB SSD. Only the copy of windows, and the normal stuff you need to make windows usable like broswer, office program, AV, etc, I'm using ~60GBs of space. I leave the other 60GBs just open so the SSD has room to do what it needs to do. My steam folder sits on another SSD, while my general storage needs are took care of by using two 4TB drives. I honestly feel if you try getting a 60GB drive you'll fill it up and it will be dog slow trying to do anything due to the lack of space.