SSD for OS install but what else makes sense


Mar 30, 2010

I purchased a 40GB Intell SSD to give one a try. I will be installing the OS (Win 7) on it. I expect to have several gigs free after installing the OS and was wondering what commonly used apps would get the most performance boost from being on the SSD. Office, Firefox, etc?

I'd love to hear some feedback on this.
Although most of my data files are on an HDD, I left the home folder for my regular account on the SSD. I did this because browsers like FireFox and IE put their Temporary Internet files inside your home folder tree. There are a LOT of little files in there, and so having them on the SSD helps to improve performance as you browse.


Any large program with plenty of little files is better off on an SSD.
One for instance is AutoCAD. Another is Photoshop. Especially when dealing with plenty of photo's the thumbnails of photo folders appear faster.
Any serious game boots off faster off of the SSD.

If I'd turn your question around and ask: "What not to put on an SSD",
I'd say mainly large files, like for instance the swap, or hybernation file (though having them on an SSD would improve wakeup out of hybernation, and shutdown times), and large files like large compressed archives (.rar, .zip, .7z,..), large .dat files, installationfiles (.msi), movie files (.mov, .wmv, .avi, .mkv, ...) and the likes.

I install almost everything on my SSD, reduce the swap file to 64MB, and leave installation files, personal archived documents, pictures and mails on an external drive.