ssd goes offline when trying to migrate (clone) hdd


Dec 16, 2017
My new samsung 850 evo keeps going offline when im trying to migrate from hdd to the new ssd. I have tried everything from turning it back online and formatting it but it turns to unformatted aswell when I try to migrate.

Im using samsungs own migration software (newest version) on windows 10.

I have also tried to reboot my system and unplugging and then connecting the ssd back. Didn't make a difference...

It also says "The disk is offline because of policy set by an administrator" and i tried to fix it from cmd but the policy was already the correct one (online all). I really need help...
Haha, I was hoping he found the solution.

Thanks for your time! I appreciate it.

Let me give you more info and also reiterate some commonalities with the original posting.

Im trying to migrate my OS windows 10 from my new dell Inspiron HDD to a SSD Samsung 850 Evo 250 GB. I downloaded Samsung's latest migration software and magician to do this.

I have connected the SSD using a Startech USB3S2SAT3CB to my laptop. I initialized the SSD and it appears ready to go. It reads online on the computer management window.

A problem that I notice...
When I run the magician software
it doesn't not recognize it as an Evo 850 and it reads this drive is not supported. BUT it does know there's a disk there as it shows the disk space. Also, at...
Hey, unformatted is the correct state for the SSD to be in before cloning.
Try booting Windows, open CMD


list disk (check numbers)

sel disk x (x is number of SSD in disk management)

detail disk (verify correct disk is selected - must be the SSD)

-> This removes all partition info from SSD

convert gpt
->to initialise disk and create gpt style partition table

instead of "convert gpt" you can also initialise the disk in "disk management".
Do not create any partitions on the SSD.

thats it.
now you can try to clone again.

Tell me if it worked or you need more help.


Hi! I did all this in CMD and it didn't work. I had the same result when trying to clone. Samsungs migration software says:"Cloning failed. Failed to reset defragmentation" I already tried all the stuff the software suggested for troubleshooting and it didn't work. Samsung magician and my computer say that the drive is working correctly but could the drive itself still be somehow the cause of these problems?

I tried to initialize the drive also but it does the same thing as before... When starting the cloning it the ssd goes offline and shows up as "unknown".

Here is a picture (sorry it's in finnish):
I have the same problem. My Samsung Evo goes out as soon as I start the migration process. I messaged Samsung about two weeks ago and I still haven't heard from them. Did you figure it out?

Its windows 10 and a few programs no more than 39 GB. Way below the 250.

Also, I'm using a Startech USB3S2SAT3CB to connect my Evo.


Now that we've completely hijacked the OP's thread....

What tool are you using for this clone operation?
Where, exactly, does it fail?

Here is my tested procedure for doing that:
Specific steps for a successful clone operation:
Verify the actual used space on the current drive is significantly below the size of the new SSD
Download and install Macrium Reflect (or Samsung Data Migration, if a Samsung SSD)
Power off
Disconnect ALL drives except the current C and the new SSD
Power up
Run the Macrium Reflect (or Samsung Data Migration)
Select ALL the partitions on the existing C drive
Click the 'Clone' button
Wait until it is done
When it finishes, power off
Disconnect ALL drives except for the new SSD
This is to allow the system to try to boot from ONLY the SSD
Swap the SATA cables around so that the new drive is connected to the same SATA port as the old drive
Power up, and verify the BIOS boot order
If good, continue the power up

It should boot from the new drive, just like the old drive.
Maybe reboot a time or two, just to make sure.

If it works, and it should, all is good.

Later, reconnect the old drive and wipe as necessary.
Delete the original boot partitions, here:
Haha, I was hoping he found the solution.

Thanks for your time! I appreciate it.

Let me give you more info and also reiterate some commonalities with the original posting.

Im trying to migrate my OS windows 10 from my new dell Inspiron HDD to a SSD Samsung 850 Evo 250 GB. I downloaded Samsung's latest migration software and magician to do this.

I have connected the SSD using a Startech USB3S2SAT3CB to my laptop. I initialized the SSD and it appears ready to go. It reads online on the computer management window.

A problem that I notice...
When I run the magician software
it doesn't not recognize it as an Evo 850 and it reads this drive is not supported. BUT it does know there's a disk there as it shows the disk space. Also, at the top left corner of the magician software it reads USB 2115. Whatever that means, I don't know.

When I run the migration program to attempt to move my data, it does recognize the 850 evo and it appears ready to migrate. As soon as I start the migration process the disk goes offline (it can be seen on computer management).

It also says "The disk is offline because of policy set by an administrator."

I followed the steps suggested earlier on the thread and I didn't get any results.