SSD + HDD setup: Symbolic Links with a backed up My Documents?


Apr 13, 2013
Need some help with how symbolic links work for an SSD + HDD setup. I currently only have an HDD. My current plan involves installing Windows 7 and my most used games and apps on the SSD, then upgrading to Windows 10, then reformatting the HDD and setting up symbolic links between the two.

Here's my issue. I've already backed up my 'My Documents' folder to a 7zip archive on an external hard drive. Now, once I've linked the My Documents folder on the SSD to the relevant folder on my HDD, where should I place the files and folders in my backed up My Documents folder? If I place them directly into the HDD, will they be recognized by the symbolic link and treated as if they were on the SSD? Or do I need to place them into the SSD and let windows move them to the HDD? The latter option presents a problem, as my My Documents folder is over 400 GB uncompressed, and my SSD is only 256 GB.

Also, what other folders besides My Documents, My Pictures, My Music, and My Videos should be moved to the HDD? I'm assuming there are various Data logging and data caches that should be moved?

Yes, if you follow the instructions you move those folders to the HDD. So when you put any file to for example my documents folder it gets saved to the hdd (since the folder is now located there).
Easiest way to move 'My Documents' etc folders would be by following the guide on this page (, this applies to Windows 8/10 aswell. After you can just unpack the files to the folder(s).

Edit. You propably can't move everything to the hdd, but you could check environment variables to change the temp directory locations atleast.

That would be unpacking the files to the folders on the HDD?

Yes, if you follow the instructions you move those folders to the HDD. So when you put any file to for example my documents folder it gets saved to the hdd (since the folder is now located there).