I've a 256G SSD; in the first 13 months, CrystalDiskInfo reported total host writes of 1.4TByte or 3.5GByte/day. In the last 10 days, it accumulated 2.3TByte or 230 GByte/day.
I'm not aware that my use pattern changed by any means. I've the Windows page and hibernation files on the drive, but otherwise I re-routed most writes to my conventional hard drive. I've accumulated (according to CrystalDiskInfo) 50GByte over dinner time, but Windows Task Manager reports total I/O writes at maybe 3GByte (eyeballing the total of the column)
I'm puzzled - any ideas?
I'm not aware that my use pattern changed by any means. I've the Windows page and hibernation files on the drive, but otherwise I re-routed most writes to my conventional hard drive. I've accumulated (according to CrystalDiskInfo) 50GByte over dinner time, but Windows Task Manager reports total I/O writes at maybe 3GByte (eyeballing the total of the column)
I'm puzzled - any ideas?