SSD is gone from the boot menu and pc wont start (happened after my gpu died)


Sep 29, 2013
This is weird. My ssd never had any problems until yesterday when my second gpu died. I had to take it out and for some reason some settings on my computer where set to default like the account protector, windows sounds etc. so that definitely has something to do with it.

What happen is that every time I restart the pc, it takes me back to the bios screen, where my ssd isnt listed anymore as a boot priority. I've tried everything, restarting, loading up the optimised default settings, and it seems the only thing that works is unplugging and plugging right back the ssd sata cable (at least that worked for now, no idea if its random)

Yesterday after getting the ssd to appear on the bios again, I putted the pc to sleep and when I waked it up today I was back to the bios screen with the ssd not being detected again. Strange thing is windows actually kept the session so when I unplugged/plugged the ssd sata cable it was there again on the boot list I was back to where windows left off.

I made a backup of my ssd+hdd files just to be safe in case something bad happens. So what should I do? Should I run windows startup repair or disconnect some other cables? When I bring the boot menu with f8, the ssd isnt listed there either, unless I did the unplug trick but I have no idea if that works or its just random.

Any more ideas would be useful.

specs: windows 7 64 bits 16gb ram
CPU: i7 5320
gpu: gtx780ti
motherboard: ASUS x99
ssd: samsung evo 850 500GB
hdd: WD 1TB
I have seen this before .... SSD does not appear on boot priority screen but is seen on storage page of BIOS. Unfortunately I don't remember the work around I used to get access for short term but eventually we just dumped the SSD and used the backup OS on the SSHD. That was about a year ago and user, as yet, has not deemed replacing the SSD worth it. I will ask later and report nack.

I don't think it even appears on bios at all (at least not on the boot page, just the hdd/cdrom). I mean everything works fine until I restart/sleep the pc. Yesterday when this started happening I also had the HDD not appearing, but the ssd was ok so the pc booted normaly. I just couldn't access the HDD. But after that I restarted and it was the other way around since, with the HDD always being detected and not the ssd. I'm thinking of doing one of these:

a) Disconnect the ssd sata cable again and boot like that, save the settings, shutdown the pc, connect it again and see if its recognised once again and everything returns to normal
b) switching the sata ports of the ssd and hdd from 0/1 to 1/2 respectively
c) use the windows startup repair

But will gladly hear more solutions from your report. The problem has 100% started when the gpu died (had to shutdown the pc with the button)

EDIT: For some reason I have my HDD (D: Drive) as disk 0 and the SSD (C: Drive) as disk 1. Shouldn't it be the other way around or theres no problem?