SSD is not found by computer


Aug 4, 2015
I just bought a new ssd to replace my hdd (samsung 850 evo) and when trying to go throught the process of cloning my hdd it does not recognize that the ssd is plugged in. Neither does it when trying to update the firmware. I already went under the disk management and set up to a drive letter but it still did nothing. I tried cloning it with a different software and it failed. It has 2 partitions on the drive that werent there before now but very small ones and now i am unable to even format the drive. I want to try to just install windows 10 on the drive and just do a fresh start from there but I am not sure how i would install it onto the drive. Some help would be amazing, I am completely lost for ideas. I have a samsung ativ laptop running windows 10 (i cant go back to 8.1 because somehow the files were deleted, i tried lol)
Welcome to the community, Sammyoaks!

I agree with @N3rdR4ge about trying the cloning process with a different software utility. However, I'd also suggest you to try re-formatting the SSD on another computer and then attempt the cloning process again. If it doesn't work and you have a Windows Installation media, you could try doing a fresh install onto the SSD, but only after you've unplugged the HDD from the system. (Otherwise, you are most likely to encounter an OS confusion)
Either way, to keep your peace of mind that there's nothing wrong with the SSD, I'd try with a different computer and see if it will get properly recognized there as a storage device.
Have you checked BIOS? Can you see it there at least?

Keep us posted!
I tried using partition wizard and it failed. whenever i try to clone my drive it goes fine until i gets to a certain section and then it gives me errors and always stops no matter what i do. I tryed doing it by just skipping that partition and it wont work. I tried booting with the blank ssd hooked up and windows 10 on a flash drive and under bios the ssd would show up but the flash drive would not under the boot priority list. I plugged the ssd into another computer via sata-usb cable and it showed up instantly.