ssd kingston vs intenso

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Mar 6, 2014
i am between two ssd drives and i want your opinion.
the one is INTENSO 3812430 TOP PERFORMANCE 128GB (at 54 euros) and the other is KINGSTON SV300S37A/120G V300 SSD 120GB (at 59 euros) .

thanks in advance guys

Seems that Intenso is an off brand with no reviews from any reputable review sites and are only listed in results as it relates to really obscure hardware sales sites and of course Amazon which lists everything. I've never heard of them and they are not listed on PCPartpicker so I would definitely go with the Kingston as it's a known and fairly trusted brand.

Plus, the V300 has a fairly good review presence at the places that matter (Not online vendor sites like Newegg. Those reviews don't matter in the least.) and I also own a couple of these Kingston drives (The SSDnow V300) and have not had issues with them. Of course there are better performing drives but for the price these are decent.
Well, without any decent reviews, and especially considering there are no reviews in English, it's pretty difficult to make a determination on that. But, whatever. This is an pretty old thread anyhow. Seems most the review sites had positive things to say about the V300 series even if it has slipped from the upper echelons.

Thank you Veloce for information about Phison S8 and Toshiba. I am looking for updated reviews on 960GB MLC version of theirs. If you have some of their SSDs maybe you can benchmark it on

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