SSD not showing anywhere!!


Oct 7, 2017
Hi everyone I know there is a million threads on this kind of thing already but I've looked through so many and haven't found a fix to my problem. My current build is FX-8350 and GTX 980 Ti on a Asrock 970 Pro3 R2.0 motherboard with 8GB ram. Currently my system is running off of a 500gb HDD, I was given an old OCZ Trion 100 120GB SSD from a friend but my system for some reason couldn't detect, it wouldn't show in BIOS, disk management or device manager. I initially thought the drive was faulty so I went and bought a Kingston A400 120GB SSD but this wouldn't detect anywhere either. I've tried both SSD's on every SATA port and got nothing but the HDD works on all the ports, I've swapped over the SATA cables and they work with the HDD but nothing with the SSD, I've also updated my BIOS and all drivers but still nothing. The closest I've got to any sign of detection was when I enabled AMD AHCI BIOS ROM and then rebooted I got a screen that showed the hdd and ssd but said SMART error for the SSD. I should also note that I put the SSD into my laptop and it was detected fine. The only fix i can really think of now is just to replace the motherboard but all the ports etc work fine with the HDD just not with the SSD's. PC's are never simple :lol:

Yep I formatted the ssd in the laptop but still nothing, I did think the ssd from my friend could of been an old boot drive which could cause some issues but im having the exact problem with the new ssd i bought as well :/

That was for the new SSD, I've still been unable to get any kind of detection from the second hand one but ive now managed to get the new SSD detected in device manager and disk management but not in the bios. When i open disk management it says to initialise the drive but if I choose GPT it says "the drive is not convertible because the size is less than the minimum required for GPT disks" and if i try MBR it says "the system cannot find the file specified"

Because it did show the S.M.A.R.T. error so that is had problem. Return it for replacement.

I decided to take the plunge and just buy a new Gigabyte motherboard and to my surprise all the drives where detected straight away and windows is installing on one of the SSD's as we speak :) There must of been some issue with the SATA controller/chipset on the other motherboard.