ssd not showing up anywhere

Jan 28, 2019
So today my pc didnt wake up from sleeping , after a quick restart i got bluescreen with 0x0000e error code , i tried to troubleshoot it for 6+ hours to this point when i making this thread . i tried to fix it with prompt commands , windows installer , basically everything i could find .

I still have the old system running on my hdd which im able to log in and use it but my ssd(SATA3) is completely disappeared from sight . bios wont show it , nor disk management etc . the only thing it seems to detect it is windows 10 installer , if i unplug everything else , i see the i could format it and stuff i but i wonder if there is anything i could do to try save my files . it tried to plug it to my other pc and laptop nothing happens . pls send halp

also even if i unplug my ssd from the computer its still says the error code ,im only able to access my old hdd if i press f9 ( also only shows up about 2 out of 10 start ) and choose other OS . im completly lost . sry for bad englando
If BIOS won't show the drive, either you have a bad cable, the drive itself is toast, or the sata port on the motherboard went bad. Try a different sata cable first as that's the cheapest and easiest and try a different sata port on the board. If neither of those work then I'm afraid your drive just took a dump.