ssd opinon for my laptop(samsung 840 evo)


Jan 28, 2014
Hi guys!

I want to buy a ssd for my laptop msi ge60.
I have seen Samsung MZ-7TE120BW SSD 840 EVO 128 gb.
Is it good, or do you suggest another ?
Thank you.

thank you :) You're right it's only 120gb.I think I wil go with 840 evo 120 gb it is more cheaper than 840 pro.
But in confront with ssd disk like kingston , or crucial witch do you recommend ? Do you think samsung is better ? surely has a nice read and write speed..

Yes, I think that Samsung is better and faster. Samsung makes the Nand chips, the controller and all of the individual components that go into their SSDs. The others source the components from different suppliers. My 128 GB 840 Pro has been rock solid!



but I am not quite sure if it is compatibile with my MSI GE60. It says that it has a free slot for MSATA ssd. Is this samsung msata ?

mSATA is a totally different animal. I;d have to do some research to give you a good answer on that.



Yep, I think to put samsung evo I have to replace it with the hdd, I can't put it to Msata slot...