So i bought a new corsair force gt 90gb ssd for windows and games - eveyrthing is working EXCELLENT and speed is insane.
On the box - (i dont remember correctly, but something about) 500mb/s reads and almost the same for writes.
Now the thing is - when i test i get about 200 reads and 100 writes.. whats wrong ?
What do i have to disable/enable make sure of ?
I am running in AHCI mode, im using a sata3 cable and its in the fourth sata port...
It has windows and games on it, its running at 34C when playing BF3.
Any suggestions ? thanks!
On the box - (i dont remember correctly, but something about) 500mb/s reads and almost the same for writes.
Now the thing is - when i test i get about 200 reads and 100 writes.. whats wrong ?
What do i have to disable/enable make sure of ?
I am running in AHCI mode, im using a sata3 cable and its in the fourth sata port...
It has windows and games on it, its running at 34C when playing BF3.
Any suggestions ? thanks!