SSD upgrade for windows


Feb 12, 2016
I am looking to upgrade to an SSD and put windows in it as a boot drive. I've read that my system can be faster by putting windows to an SSD instead of an HDD. I'm planning on doing a clean install of windows on the SSD since I have the windows CD installer (Windows 8.1).

I read online of a way to migrate windows from HDD to SSD but the process in my opinion was complicated as it involved cloning and backing up files.

My question is, will there be a conflict if I booted up my system both SSD and HDD with windows installed on both drives?

Thanks in advance.
Hey there, capn_clueless.

Usually there shouldn't be an issue with that. Actually more often than not, the OS migrating process involves booting to Windows with your SSD so that you can repartition and reformat the HDD and use it as a secondary storage drive.
I'd recommend that you have only the SSD connected to the motherboard during the installation process, to avoid conflicts afterwords and booting issues. Once the installation is complete, you can connect your HDD again and boot from the SSD.

Note that you may not want to backup and migrate (a fresh install is always recommended anyway), but backing up your valuable data is really important in general, so you should consider it.

Hope that helps. Please let know how it goes...
Hey there, capn_clueless.

Usually there shouldn't be an issue with that. Actually more often than not, the OS migrating process involves booting to Windows with your SSD so that you can repartition and reformat the HDD and use it as a secondary storage drive.
I'd recommend that you have only the SSD connected to the motherboard during the installation process, to avoid conflicts afterwords and booting issues. Once the installation is complete, you can connect your HDD again and boot from the SSD.

Note that you may not want to backup and migrate (a fresh install is always recommended anyway), but backing up your valuable data is really important in general, so you should consider it.

Hope that helps. Please let know how it goes.