Ssd upgrade from hdd for asus laptop k61ic-x2

The specs for the notebook say that it takes a 2.5" 9.5mm SATA drive.
The specs for the drive say the same.

I have no idea how easy / hard it is to get at the hard drive of that machine. On the other hand, changing from HDD to HDD you should be able to just clone your existing drive and boot from the new one.

The manual has nothing on working with the hardware:


May 7, 2012
It's pretty easy to get at the hard drive on a K61IC, I just replaced my original drive with a 500gb drive, needed a little more space. Take the battery cover off and the battery case out, there's a single screw holding the hard drive cover on in the battery compartment. Just take that screw out and pop the cover off. From there it's pretty straight forward - just take the screws holding the drive caddy in out and pull it free.