SSD with HDD Help needed


Dec 11, 2015
So I've yet to put together my PC, but I have a 500GB Samsung Evo SSD and a 2TB External Hard drive (for videos, pictures and music).

As I'll have a bunch of games, which I don't want to run off my External because we all know that's a no go, I'd like to buy and run a HDD (to put my games on) alongside my SSD.

Is it as easy as plugging them both into the SATA cables or is there something more complicated that needs to be done?

Also if anyone has any suggestions on which HDD to buy that would be great.

I've looked at the WD 1TB 7200RPM, but the reviews on Amazon say they're refurbished, used HDD's and that the Seagate 2TB 7200RPM are made in both China and Thailand and that the ones made in China have issues.

Hope this makes sense, any help appreciated and thanks in advance! :)
Essentially you use the second HDD much like an external.

Install your OS/updates to the SSD and then attach an HDD - or when you get it.
You'll maybe have to initialize the drive, but then you're up and running. When installing anything you want on your HDD just direct the install there. There are more in-depth ways & mapping drives so certain paths automatically route to your HDD, but that gets more complicated & some people have had issues (I haven't) personally.

For secondary storage, you want 7200rpm and usually it makes sense to stick with either Western Digital or Seagate - but there are other options out there.

Do not buy refurbished HDDs. Simply put, there's a reason they're refurbished - and they then have a...
Essentially you use the second HDD much like an external.

Install your OS/updates to the SSD and then attach an HDD - or when you get it.
You'll maybe have to initialize the drive, but then you're up and running. When installing anything you want on your HDD just direct the install there. There are more in-depth ways & mapping drives so certain paths automatically route to your HDD, but that gets more complicated & some people have had issues (I haven't) personally.

For secondary storage, you want 7200rpm and usually it makes sense to stick with either Western Digital or Seagate - but there are other options out there.

Do not buy refurbished HDDs. Simply put, there's a reason they're refurbished - and they then have a diminished lifespan. Buy new, HDDs aren't expensive anyway.


