On my main PC drive, it's only 160gigs (RAID0). I never fill it. Ever. I run Vista x64 Ultimate. I keep 4 or 5 games installed. I record with Fraps often. I have my apps installed. I download a lot of things. But you know what? I move things off my primary drive to other places if I'm keeping it long term. I have external drives for that. I have several 1tb eSATA drives. I filled a few already. I filled them with DVDs. I use them with my HTPC. I like having two little boxes serve up hundreds of DVDs rather than having binders of discs everywhere.
SSD would be fine for me. Again, I don't store it all on my big capacity drives. My primary system could go to a 128g SSD and it wouldn't affect me other than speed things up. For those of us using RAID, we can get a few 64g SSD's and RAID them for retarded performance. And those SSD's are not expensive so much, in the $70~120 ranges right now.
I agree with the author of this article that SSD will not `dominate' the market soon. But, it is going to be IN the market fast, just like how Bluray is all over the place and consumers ARE buying it, even though DVD is still the largest portion of that market. SSD is already in pre-made systems. It's getting out there. Folk are buying them online. But I don't agree with the author's slow snail pace on how fast the SSD will take over. I think it'll be only the next year before you easily see double capacity and less price. You have to think about the tech and how fast our tech advances. HDD's haven't changed in over a decade. Same tech. SSD's have been around for decades too, just not in this consumer form. The SSD is now going to advance rapidly. Announcements of the 512g's are already there. That's half a tb. People already buy 320, 500, etc drives. An SSD in that range will dominate if the price comes down--which it will, as the manufacturing goes up, the price will come down considerably.
And as for me, as the prices come down on the big ones, I'm more excited to see the price come down on the little ones. Because I'll RAID 4 of those things for disgusting performance. 4 little 32g or 64g drives in RAID0. I don't need a single 500+g drive even on my primary machine. So SSD will be fine for me, and fine for a lot of other people. We can still store long term stuff on older tech platter drives.
The author needs to think outside of the box more.
Very best,