Right. Well, the dev community in Austin is pretty small, as compared to other businesses. And they're constantly hiring because people are constantly leaving, LIKE she did. lmao. I'm not gonna feed trolls here. And no other gaming community EVER ANYWHERE, except maybe LoL's trolls on forums as much as people who are invested in SC do. Their community has a hella bad rep with other gamers, journalists etc because they knee-jerk attack everyone. But how many of those people are supporters and how many are paid to do that is unknown by me. And as far as the financials there is such a thing as higher-ups talking to and confiding in lower ups. Especially if the lower is female, and attractive, as is my friend. XD But hey, hopefully it works out, right? Morale is low there, at least in the Austin studio, again part of why she left. And their exclusivity contract is/was rough. They need to outlaw that stuff, imho. One thing is for sure, if it tanks, Roberts might get away with a lot of bread, but I wouldn't be surprised to see a class action lawsuit....And he would NEVER have cred as far as a big project again, anywhere, ever, except maybe as a producer (under a pseudonym) of android apps. Their community does need to change its image as far as how they respond to critics and people on forums. They act like psychos.