Star Wars: Battlefront Benchmarked

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first of all.

why is this so late?
second, why is this running old drivers that nobody uses anymore.

new drivers have solved lots of issues and with increased performance, especially for AMD.

Also 290 running 1440p with the real life mod and everything set to ultra runs the game at 80fps, and thats with a 4670k @ 4.4ghz
I want a new GPU for BF4 and the next battlefield release.My 650 ti boost died on me.My rig : i5 3450,8 gb ddr3,500 watt CM PSU,monitor 60 Hz 1600*900( may update to 1080p in the future).My budget around 250$.
I want a new GPU for BF4 and the next battlefield release.My 650 ti boost died on me.My rig : i5 3450,8 gb ddr3,500 watt CM PSU,monitor 60 Hz 1600*900( may update to 1080p in the future).My budget around 250$.

Either get a 380 4 GB now, or wait for Polaris and Pascal. Though that may take the duration of the year to launch.
I also question how useful this article is. It's nice to see benchmark numbers but they don't appear close to reality for where the game is at now with current drivers.

I play on slightly overclocked SLI 970s which should be similar to their 980Ti. At 2560x1440 max settings I get 120-130 FPS. That is about 20 FPS higher than their 980Ti 1080p benchmark!

Also, the SLI part is pretty misleading. I have been playing this game since the day after release and it has had SLI support at least since then. Not only that but it has some of the best SLI scaling out of any game in my library. Both of my 970s are constantly around 90% usage.

I agree with the person who said maybe they shouldn't have posted the article if it was 2 months old. If the article was still accurate than go ahead. The problem is that both the framerates and the bit about SLI are not really relevant 2 months later.
Appreciate the benchmarks...but dayum Tom's this is late.

Yeah yeah, I get that this is a repost from the German sight...but given the delay it shouldnt be in the featured box.

The mention of the AMD CPU with no benchmarks was really weird too...IMO, IF youre going to bench a title...make it within a week of launch. If you can't do that...make the benchmark reflective of some cool/unique things. I'd be interested in a "Real Life" Mod benchmark with this many cards...maybe even make it a larger "Popular Mod Benchmark" suite. Hell, I'd be into that no matter how old the games are (i.e., Crysis 1, Witcher 3...etc).
Well, being late is better than nothing. 😉

I am extremely impressed with Star Wars Battlefront on the graphics side, the game engine is so optimized that it's unbelieveable, you can run the game at high settings on lower end graphics cards and the graphics still look astounding.

I played the beta back in november and with my 750 ti at 1080P i was getting 50fps average with high settings enabled.


Same here on my overclocked EVGA SSC 970s at 1440p. Much different than the 75FPS average I get on that GPU hog called Witcher 3. Of course, anything above 75FPS does me no good on a 60Hz monitor overclocked to 75Hz, so I generally V-sync everything.
SLI still does not work for me.

It worked when launched, broke with Nvidia driver in November, was fixed in December, then stopped functioning correctly a week later.

I run the game at 4k (on a Samsung UHD TV) with dual 980Ti - there's pink flickering. Terrible.

Weird. I played a ton of it on SLI 970s on the latest drivers this weekend without the issues you are describing.

Is it only in Battlefront? That is very unusual indeed. How do you update your drivers? Do you go through GeForce Experience or manually from Nvidia directly? Do you do a clean install every time?

first of all.

why is this so late?
second, why is this running old drivers that nobody uses anymore.

new drivers have solved lots of issues and with increased performance, especially for AMD.

Also 290 running 1440p with the real life mod and everything set to ultra runs the game at 80fps, and thats with a 4670k @ 4.4ghz
1. everything is late in Tom's

2. Maybe they are afraid that AMD cards would actually spank nvidia cards this time?

You just had to go there. Your AMD fanboyism red shirt colors are showing. And just for the record, I buy the best card for the buck at a certain price point. Nvidia has beaten AMD in my mid-tier price range since last owning an ASUS HD 7770. And then there's the fact Nvidia runs better on FSX and Project Cars, blah blah.

Can you tell us what examples Tom's has in Nvidia bias on GPU reviews? Because if so, I must have missed it and would like to see it. I'll wait.
first of all.

why is this so late?
second, why is this running old drivers that nobody uses anymore.

new drivers have solved lots of issues and with increased performance, especially for AMD.

Also 290 running 1440p with the real life mod and everything set to ultra runs the game at 80fps, and thats with a 4670k @ 4.4ghz

i never install new drivers unless something is broken, considering how many times new drivers screw something up or outright kill systems, i can't imagine why anyone would take anything but a "not broke don't fix it" approach.

I always update whenever GeForce Experience tells me that a new driver is available. Why? Because new drivers often provide performance increases and SLI profiles for games I am currently playing.
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