Star Wars E7 to ignore EU

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A post on officially confirms what fans have been hearing for the past three months: the complex and detailed future history of the Star Wars universe that has been slowly accreting since the 1990s will be completely ignored by the new trilogy of films. Per the post, "Star Wars Episodes VII-IX will not tell the same story told in the post-Return of the Jedi Expanded Universe."
It would only make sense to continue the character line if the next in line would actually be named Star Wars VII, seems like a risk to me since the Star Wars movies are classics now, it's all about money anyway and sucking in as much as they can.

The way the 6 movies were done was IMO classic idiocy, starting with the 4th episode in the series, is like an idiot boss I used to have that would not listen to reason because his timeline pressure caused him to throw caution and common sense out the window! (I'll expand on that statement if any are interested, the Cliff Notes is, A smart builder builds the foundation first, then builds the building, on the established foundation)

It was definitely a challenge for George Lucas to turn sweet little Anakin Skywalker into Darth Vader, but he did pull it off with the first 3 episodes displaying more seriousness than the last 3.

I remember when they decided to continue the Alien series past Aliens, and completely ruined it! :pfff:

So the same could happen again attempting to continue the established Star Wars legacy, they cannot half step this idea they will have to go All In, it will have to be major fantastic, or it could be a major disaster!

The characters have now aged over 30 years???

Luke shouts out, "JR!, How many times have I told you to power down the speeder when you park it?, and where is my Light Saber? You better not be cutting down anymore trees with it!" :lol:


Yeah, I'm assuming they'll be using this as a stepping stone to use the old established characters to introduce new characters so they can continue forward with the series.

When George Lucas started this he was seriously limited with what he could do, but with todays technology he may end up regretting selling the rights to Disney, I'm sure whatever he has done regarding Disney he still has input?

Usually when Disney gets their mitts on something they end up doing it their way, I'm not sure what control George has under their contract? Do You?

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