Supernova1138 :
Okay, it looks like Steam installed the expansion pack in a different way than the retail disc.
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Star Wars Empire at War\corruption\swfoc.exe" MODPATH=Mods\ACM2.4
with 'Start in' being: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Star Wars Empire at War\corruption\
Be aware that you may have to right click and run it as Administrator, starting in Windows Vista any programs put into the Program Files folder requires administrative privilege to run, and may not work properly if you just run it normally.
Hello Supernova, I would like to know if your solution still applies because I recently downloaded the Absolute Corruption Mod 2.4, followed the same steps justanoob followed on the download site, then when it didn't work I came here and changed the shortcut target and start in of the ACM2.4 shortcut to exactly what you posted which justanoob chose as the best solution, and when I click on the shortcut and run as administrator is still didn't work. It just launches the base Star Wars Empire at War game. Can you help me?