If i remmber this correctly, after they said that SC2 will be broken into 3 games, they recived a lot of negative feedback from players.
Mostly, people were angry they would have to buy expansions becouse if not, they would be left in a ghost game where there are no more players.
Then BLizzard said something like: If you buy the first game, you get access to the multiplayer in all 3 games, and HOTS and VOID will be priced as expansions. So after patch 2.1 they kept 1 of the promises, and we only had to wait about a year for it, and
On another side, HOTS and Void were supposed to have "expansion prices".
I bought SC2 WoL on that premise, and after i saw them retract from it i Totally ignored D3.
I used to like blizard and buy their products withouth hesitation, even have around 6 copies of starcraft+broodwar, 3 copies of diablo2+expansion.
I hate it not because I actually spent money on SC2 (a game i play from time to time anyway), but becouse they used to make such great games that I was hoping to be able to play great games thanks to Blizzard.