StarCraft II Patch Enables Custom Maps in Starter Edition

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If i remmber this correctly, after they said that SC2 will be broken into 3 games, they recived a lot of negative feedback from players.

Mostly, people were angry they would have to buy expansions becouse if not, they would be left in a ghost game where there are no more players.
Then BLizzard said something like: If you buy the first game, you get access to the multiplayer in all 3 games, and HOTS and VOID will be priced as expansions. So after patch 2.1 they kept 1 of the promises, and we only had to wait about a year for it, and
On another side, HOTS and Void were supposed to have "expansion prices".

I bought SC2 WoL on that premise, and after i saw them retract from it i Totally ignored D3.

I used to like blizard and buy their products withouth hesitation, even have around 6 copies of starcraft+broodwar, 3 copies of diablo2+expansion.

I hate it not because I actually spent money on SC2 (a game i play from time to time anyway), but becouse they used to make such great games that I was hoping to be able to play great games thanks to Blizzard.
F* Blizzard. I stopped supporting them due to all the hassles I had even trying to get my Starcraft II account working. Let alone the fact they banned my WoW account 6 months after I quit the game. Now I have a collector's edition box that is only good for collecting dust. Glad I never bought Diablo 3 due to all the issues they've had there as well. Blizzard is now just a bunch of money grabbing whores, no better than EA.
A bit too late on the uptake Blizzard. Custom maps were a large part of why SC was so popular with the casual audience. For Blizzard to overlook this fact and instead focus on 1v1 ladder in its sequel was not the best of moves.
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