'Stardew Valley' Beginners Guide

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This is useful, it can be a bit overwhelming when you first start to play. I had to learn how to have fun with this game. It has to be the most boring, monotonous game I have sank 75hours into. Gotta keep my over 100 crops manually watered everyday, working on sprinklers lol.



I guess I was lucky one because I just saw the sprinklers in the trailer video and pushed to see how to make them. I slaved through watering by hand for a short while and got my sprinklers within the first few crops. I cannot imagine the agony of watering by hand for 75 hours.

The issue was that once you get your first couple sprinklers you get such a feeling of satisfaction with yourself that you just keep pushing for more and better sprinklers. then the never ending search for how to optimize things and make more money in the game really begins. You need to get that teleporter after all from the beach, it costs 2 million.
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